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Work Showcase

While many of our research outputs are delivered within the confines of a trusted relationship, the selected items below give insight into the nature of the work we produce.

Current Work

Our current portfolio enables us to engage at global, regional and country level, covering:


A “just term sheet” for developing countries as basis for just and dignified finance


Risk sharing instruments for accelerating renewable energy deployment in fiscally sustainable manner


Climate risk indicators and green finance taxonomies as risk management tools


Just transition mandate integration for financial agents particularly treasuries and central banks


Technology as contributor to bridging climate data gaps in the financial ecosystem


Equity as basis for advancing Article 2.1c of the Paris Climate Agreement

Selected Showcases

South Africa flag

2024 Elections: What are South African Political Parties promising when it comes to the climate, environment, and finance?


On the 29th of May 2024 South Africans will be heading to the polls to vote in the country’s seventh National and Provincial Democratic Elections. As an organisation dedicated to helping build a just and inclusive financial ecosystem that serves the needs of sustainability, climate, and biodiversity, we have reviewed the manifestos of the key political parties in the upcoming election, drawing out commitments made around climate action, environmental protection, and the financial sector.

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Reflections on the Relevance of Cost Transparency Standards to South Africa’s Financing Climate‐Resilient Infrastructure

Reflections on the Relevance of Cost Transparency Standards to South Africa’s Financing Climate‐Resilient Infrastructure


The Global Infrastructure Transparency Initiative known as CoST is an initiative established in 2012 being applied in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Malawi, Nepal, and Ukraine. One of their burning questions was how can their work integrate finance flows that address climate impacts on infrastructure projects. Our mission was to assist the South African Steering Committee in evaluating CoST's pillars - Multi-stakeholder working, Disclosure, Assurance, and Social accountability - against local disclosure principles. The focus was on improving transparency at the project level and developing a climate-related lens for financing infrastructure.

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Comments on the Just Transition Finance Mechanism proposed by the PCC

Comments on the Just Transition Financing Mechanism proposed by the PCC


The draft Just Transition Financing Mechanism (JTFM) was opened to public comment in December of 2023. This letter serves as Rabia Transitions input on the JTFM. It analyses and critiques key aspects of the JTFM and the broader financial ecosystem in which it will be embedded, covering governance and transparency, the current scope of the JTFM, the benchmarking, the broader systemic change that is needed, and the instruments and sources of finance identified in the JTFM.

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Exploring the intersection of equity and Article 2.1(c) towards an improved Global Stocktake

Exploring the intersection of equity and Article 2.1(c) towards an improved Global Stocktake


The report considers the interplay between equity and Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement through the lens of three examples: the Race to Zero; the Global Shield of the (V20); and the JETPs. The key findings are: (i) Assessing progress on Article 2.1(c) requires an equity-centred approach to finance flows that accounts for the disruptive nature of transitions; (ii) Consistency of finance flows requires an approach that embeds rights-, principles-and needs-based and people-centred financing dimensions; (iii) Finance flows must explicitly adopt the principle of CBDR-RC as the basis for action.

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